Caviar pasta: participant n°15

Dernier participant pour le concours. Concours international puisqu'il n'est pas français et nous écrit donc sa recette de pâtes au tarama en anglais. Thank you very much for your recipe mister 15!!


Ingredients (for a person) :
1. cod roe 80g (a.k.a. caviar. popluar in Japan and Scandinavian
countries. I don't know if it's common in France.)
2. cooking cream 50g
3. lemon juice 1 tea spoon
4. your favorite pasta and salt
Additionally, smoked salmon and fresh basil are nice to have.

1. Just mix cod roe with cooking cream and lemon juice, while boiling pasta.
2. Put them together on a dish. Done !!

This is a popular pasta in japan. Some people prefer not to have fresh
cream or, having cod roe slightly cooked on a pan.

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